Discover the benefits of Shopify Plus: Optimize your online store

Are you considering migrating to Shopify Plus for your e-commerce? In this article I will provide you with a detailed guide to the benefits of the Plus version.

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Are you considering Shopify Plus for your e-commerce marketing strategy ?

Still don’t know all the benefits that give that extra something to the Plus version of Shopify?

You have found the right guide for you!

In this article, we will explore the benefits of Shopify Plus and try to understand how it can help your business get better results for your e-commerce marketing strategy.

Shopify Plus: what is it in brief?

As the name suggests, it is an advanced version of the traditional Shopify, available with a specific paid plan.

Shopify Plus is a powerful, scalable, reliable and highly customizable ecommerce solution suitable for fast-growing businesses that need to handle high amounts of traffic, sales and orders.

Shopify Plus vs Shopify : what are the advantages of the Plus version?

1) Scalability of the platform

One of the main advantages is certainly the scalability of the platform.

Shopify Plus can smoothly manage thegrowth of your business, especially during crucial periods such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales.

Are you wondering how this is possible?

The answer is simple.

Thanks to:

  • A ‘ reliable infrastructure: Shopify Plus uses areliable and scalable cloud infrastructure. Even in the case of traffic spikes on your e-commerce, there will be no downtime problems or performance slowdowns.
  • A Balanced Load Method: Shopify Plus automatically manages the traffic load on your store, distributing it between servers and resources to ensure even distribution and fast site response.
  • An advanced caching system: Pages are cached and can be quickly loaded to visitors.

2) Advanced customization

Another strength of Shopify Plus is its advanced customization capabilities.

The platform offers great flexibility to adapt to your company’s specific needs, allowing you to create aunique and engagingshopping experience for your customers.

But what can you, in fact, personalize?

  • Access to source code: With Shopify Plus, you have access to the source code of your online store. This means that you can make custom changes directly to the code to tailor the appearance and functionality of your store to your needs.
  • Custom APIs: Shopify Plus offers the ability to use custom APIs to create custom integrations and connect your store with other applications or business systems.
  • Custom checkout scripts: With Shopify Plus, you can use custom checkout scripts to make specific changes to the checkout process. You can add custom logic, apply special promotions, offer discounts based on specific conditions, and more.
  • Advanced account management: Shopify Plus offers advanced account management features, allowing you to create accounts for teams and collaborators with customizable access levels and permissions.
  • Advanced automation tools: Shopify Plus offers advanced automation tools to simplify and automate complex business processes. You can create automated workflows for order management, inventory, marketing, returns processing, and more.

3) Dedicated support for your migration to Shopify Plus and beyond

Net of the above, are you starting to consider using Shopify Plus, but are you scared of the critical part of migrating your data?

There is nothing to worry about!

Whatever your starting e-commerce platform, migration to Shopify Plus is done withexpert assistance.

All data, products , andtransaction information from your source platform are transferred smoothly to the new platform.

Shopify does, in fact, provide import tools to simplify this process, although you may have to make some customizations to ensure that the data is imported correctly.

But it doesn’t end there!

Shopify Plus offers you dedicated support to accompany you on your growth journey.

You will have a team of experienced account managers to assist you in theongoing optimization of your online store.

You can count on quick and professional support to solve any problems allowing you to focus on developing your business without worries!

Advantages ofShopifyPlus_Ecommerce

Other benefits of Shopify Plus

If you thought that greater scalability, customization, and ongoing support were the only benefits of Shopify Plus, I am happy to report that you are wrong.

You are wrong in a positive sense, it is understood.

There are still other features I want to tell you about in this guide.

Ready to find out? Let’s go!

  • Simplified inventory management : With Shopify Plus, you can easily manage your inventory, adding new products, monitoring inventory, and receiving notifications when it’s time to place a new order.
  • Secure and reliable payment system: Shopify Plus offers a wide range of secure payment options for your customers. From credit cards to digital wallets, you can offer a variety of payment methods that inspire confidence. In addition, Shopify Plus complies with security standards. The platform is Level 1 PCI DSS certified, which means it meets the highest security standards in the industry.
  • Advanced marketing features: Shopify Plus provides advanced marketing tools to help you promote your online store and increase sales. You can leverage features such as discounts, promotions, loyalty programs and integrations with email marketing tools to effectively reach and engage your customers.
  • Detailed analysis and reporting: With Shopify Plus, you will have access to a wide range of data and reports that will allow you to monitor the performance of your online store. You will be able to get detailed information on sales, site visits, conversions, and more

One-Page Checkout: one of the key new features of Shopify Plus

Just another new feature, promise!

With Shopify Plus you can take advantage of the innovative functionality of a unified checkout page(One-page Checkout), which consolidates all steps of the checkout process into a single page, eliminating the need for multiple steps or additional uploads.

This greatly simplifies the shopping process for your customers, reducing the risk of cart abandonment and increasing the likelihood of completing the purchase.

Shopify Plus checkout page also highly customizable. You can adapt it to your brand design, add custom fields to collect specific information, and offer flexible shipping and payment options.

In addition, the Shopify Plus checkout page is optimizable for mobile devices.

In fact, the page is designed to fit perfectly on screens of different sizes, ensuring a smooth and intuitive checkout experience on mobile devices.

Considering that more and more people are shopping online via smartphones and tablets, this feature is critical to maximizing conversions and providing a seamless shopping experience!

How much does Shopify Plus cost?

So far, we’ve looked together at the many benefits that the Shopify Plus version provides for you to get better and better performance for your e-commerce marketing strategy.

I know, you must be asking yourself one question. The most significant, no doubt.

But what are the prices of Shopify Plus?

What costs do I have to incur in order to have the range of features described above available to me?

In this regard, it is urgent to make a small premise.

Shopify Plus prices , in fact, depend on the specific needs of each customer.

The platform offers a flexible pricing structure, allowing you to tailor the plan to the size and volume of your business.

This allows you to pay only for the features you actually use, with no fixed costs or hidden fees.

Shopify Plus plans, in each case, start at €2,000 per month.

When monthly sales exceed €800,000, in contrast, the price switches to a platform commission of 0.25 percent for each sales transaction .

Of course, to get more detailed information about Shopify Plus pricing, it is advisable to contact the sales team directly, who can provide you with a personalized assessment and all the necessary information about pricing options based on your business needs.

Shopify Plus Partner Agency - Benefits

Shopify Plus Agency Partner

Now you know the main advantages of the Plus version of Shopify.

Of course, the features certainly do not end there, and many more are being implemented on a regular basis by the platform.

So if the thought of starting to integrate Shopify Plus into your e-commerce marketing strategy scares you, don’t hesitate to contact us and trust us with your strategy.

As official Shopify Plus partners, we can offer you a wide range of expertise and specialized services to help you get the most out of this powerful e-commerce platform.

Specifically, we can offer you:

  • Experience and expertise: As a Shopify Plus partner agency, we have extensive experience in using and implementing this advanced platform. Take a look at our case study Il Bullone by clicking here.
  • Strategic consulting: We offer you highly personalized strategic consulting aimed at understanding your specific needs, defining clear objectives, and developing an e-commerce strategy to maximize your online success
  • Custom development: As a Shopify Plus partner agency, we have advanced expertise in customizing Shopify themes, developing custom apps, and integrating third-party solutions.
  • Ongoing support: We offer you ongoing support after the launch of your online store. We are available to answer your questions, provide technical assistance, and address any problems that may arise along the way.
  • Measurable results: In keeping with our vision, we are committed to achieving and delivering measurable results. We use analytical and monitoring tools to evaluate online store performance and identify opportunities for improvement. Through a data-driven approach, we ensure that you get the maximum return on your investment in Shopify Plus.

If you have any questions or would like to book a cognitive call to discuss your strategy with us, please feel free to contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.

We would be happy to work with your team on defining a proper e-commerce marketing strategy on Shopify Plus!


Shopify Plus ultimately offers a complete solution for creating a successful online store.

With its ease of use, scalability, customization, advanced features, dedicated support and customer service, Shopify Plus stands out as one of the best e-commerce platforms available on the market.

If you are a business owner who wants to achieve extraordinary results in the world of e-commerce, look no further – Shopify Plus is the perfect platform for you!

Good luck on your journey to success with Shopify Plus!

Note: The information provided in this article is based on my accurate knowledge and research at the time of writing. You should always check the latest information and consult additional sources to investigate specific issues related to Shopify Plus.

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