Complete Advertising Solutions for Your Business

Strategy, Implementation and Optimization: everything you need to maximize the returns from your advertising campaigns.

Your brand is wasting 20% of the advertising budget

Maybe not. But during our long experience in the field, we have observed that most accounts waste at least 10 to 20 percent of the advertising most accounts waste at least 10 to 20 percent of the due to inefficiencies and ineffective strategies.

What about you, are you satisfied with the results of your advertising campaigns? Do you really believe that you completely maximize returns on advertising spending?

In the absence of an optimized advertising strategy, the risk of your brand losing visibility and potential customers in an increasingly dynamic and crowded market is real: this can cost you time, money and energy every day that you could be investing more effectively to maximize the results of your campaigns.

Here are some factors that can hold back the growth of your business:

Do any of these factors sound familiar?
If the answer is ‘Yes,’ then it’s time to turn your advertising strategy around and join dozens of clients already satisfied with our work.

The results of our Ads Strategy

With our comprehensive Ads Strategy, Setup and Management solution designed to maximize ad campaign results, our clients have seen significant improvements in ROI, engagement and conversions.

In fact, our Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enhanced advertising strategies have enabled them to achieve annual growth rates of 20% to 300%.

Here are just a few examples of results often achieved already in the first 6 months of working with us:

Furniture Sector







Training Sector


Leads generated



Fashion Sector







Food & Beverage Sector







By combining a targeted advertising strategy and precise campaign setup with a data-driven creative approach, we ensure that every euro you invest produces the highest possible return.

But if these numbers are not enough to convince you, read the testimonials of our clients.

They have already chosen us

” In just 6 months they optimized all our marketing campaigns. I recommend Webgas to everyone.

Bianca Bernini

– CafeLab –


The Webgas guys handle all our advertising activities.
We recommend everyone to work with their agency.

Alessio Perrucci

– –


Every month we analyze together the performance of our site and optimize the budget to be allocated to marketing.
We are very pleased with this collaboration.

Giulia Mucci

– –


Webgas has helped us tremendously in our online growth, with support on an almost weekly basis!
I highly recommend this agency.

Niccolò Cipriani

– Rifò Lab –


The Webgas guys are good, passionate and attentive to our needs.
Qundi: Recommended!

Marco Agnolin

– A Better Mistake –


The Webgas folks have helped us publicize our projects and make our activities known to a wider audience.
We are very satisfied!

Stefania Spadoni

– The Bolt –


Many of these clients have achieved outstanding results with our help:

Average increase in ROI from 10% to 300%.

Up to 70% improvement in conversion rate

Significant growth in engagement and brand awareness

But what is the secret of our Ads Strategy?

How does our Ads Strategy workAds Strategy

Once you opt into our advertising campaign optimization program, we will perform amarket analysis for you to identify the best opportunities for your business, then create a customized advertising strategy and implement it following a process of constant analysis and optimization.

Ads Strategy

Total Duration: 2 Weeks

Market Analysis

Identify the best opportunities in your industry

Goal Setting & KPIs

Set clear and measurable goals

Audit Tracking & Measurement

Optimize your ability to track results

CRO Conversion Funnel Analysis

Enhances the customer journey to maximize conversions

Ads Strategy & Media Plan

Targeted advertising strategies to maximize ROI

Total Duration: 1 Week

Setup Ads Accounts & Campaigns:

Setting up and launching your advertising campaigns.


Starting the campaigns

Total Duration: Continuous

Continuous Monitoring & Data Analysis:

Active management to maximize results.

Constant Optimization:

Data-driven adjustments to maintain campaign effectiveness.


Detailed Reports & Bi-weekly Meetings

Book your free consultation now to find out how our Full-Performance Advertising Package can transform your advertising campaigns.

Webgas is the ideal choice for your business.

The proprietary Webgas Ads Strategy methodology is the result of years of international experience gained in the field by our agency, co-founded by Drs. Antonio and Giovanni Tresca.

Antonio Tresca

CEO & Co-Founder

A former Google manager and a specialist in Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology at Bocconi University, Antonio was able to precisely study search algorithms, market trends and best practices used to generate quality traffic.

During his experience through Silicon Valley, Italy, Poland, Ireland, working for important realities, Antonio has studied fast growing international companies’ most effective growth methodologies, implementing them in the WebGas Methodology.

Giovanni Tresca

CMO & Co-Founder

A Marketing Management major at LUISS University in ROME, Giovanni is a 360-degree digital marketing expert.

Since 2020, he is recognized as an official Google Ads Product Expert thanks to his valuable contributions in the official Google Ads Italia community. He manages an advertising portfolio of over 10M per year as a Media Buying and PPC Specialist at

Through these experiences, our company has developed a unique and innovative methodology which offers a holistic approach to digital marketing, focusing on the development of Evidence-based strategies aimed at creating competitive advantage for our clients, enabling them to thrive in a rapidly changing market and turn their users into loyal customers.

This has enabled us to forge partnerships with the world’s largest Tech companies, such as:

Our method R = T * C

We have designed and validated the R=T*C method to support your brand growth.

“Results = Traffic * Conversion” is the fundamental formula that summarizes the factors of a successful digital marketing strategy.

Think of Conversion and Traffic as 2 driving wheels to get Results with your online business. More traffic brings more opportunities, while more conversion means making the most of those opportunities.


We help you identify the best communication channels to intercept your target audience and harness the full potential of our digital marketing strategies:

  • Paid advertising
  • SEO
  • Affiliation
  • Content marketing
  • Influencer marketing

In this way we effectively spread your brand name and generate new opportunities for your business.


Once you attract the qualified target audience, we help you to fluidize the entire Customer Journey through an ongoing process of campaign optimization aimed at keeping the conversion rate of your advertising content high.

In this way, we make sure that nothing of your investment is wasted and that the ROI is always at its best.


By combining effective marketing strategies with close and constant scrutiny of the performance of your campaigns, we promise positive results backed by hard data, therefore tangible.

In this way, we differentiate your business from the competition and elevate your business completely to another level.

Choosing the right partner is critical

Together with us, you can set a total growth path for your brand and touch on all the strengths that set us apart from other companies: | Proprietary software leveraging artificial intelligence (AI)

Webgas is taking innovation to the next level with the development of, a unique Data Management Platform. This tool leverages the centralization of first- and third-party data to perform intelligent marketing automations powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence. is developed to help you significantly increase revenue and ROI through more targeted and effective marketing strategies. It is our secret weapon to take your marketing to the next level.

Experience and Specialization:

With years of experience in digital marketing, Webgas has developed a deep understanding of the dynamics of the e-commerce market. Our specialization is your competitive advantage.

Personalized Strategies & Measurable Results:

We believe that every business is unique. That's why we offer tailored solutions tailored to the specific needs and goals of your e-commerce business. Our philosophy is based on hard data and results. We don't just promise; we deliver tangible, measurable results through clear KPIs and detailed reports.

We are data-driven:

We analyze and optimize each strategy based on data collected through analysis and monitoring tools. We make decisions based on concrete and measurable information helping you maximize returns on investment. We focus on achieving a high return on investment by designing and optimizing each marketing activity for measurable results and maximum gain.

We are not just suppliers, we are strategic allies:

Our relationship with clients goes beyond just a service provider. We are partners in your success, offering ongoing support and advice to ensure steady and sustainable growth.

With Webgas, you are not simply choosing a service, you are investing in a partner who is committed to your long-term success.

We are here to help you navigate the world of Advertising with confidence and expertise.
Take the right step for your business today.

An opportunity for the few: the time to act is now

At Webgas, we are committed to giving care and attention to each individual project to meet each challenge with a handcrafted and highly personalized approach.

For this reason, we have chosen to work with a maximum of two new companies per month to ensure that our clients receive premium treatment aimed at excellence in results.

No room for third place

If you are considering taking your advertising campaigns to the next level, don’t miss this opportunity, contact us now!

Don’t wait any longer: contact us now to start a partnership this very month and immediately position yourself one step ahead of your competitors.

It's time to revolutionize your advertising strategy.

Remember, we can only give the right space to two companies per month. (Read why ⬆)

Book a free 30-minute call now to begin your journey to success.

Lead Gen | Potenziale Cliente | IT (#52)
Come ti chiami? 

Piacere di conoscerti, . Dove possiamo contattarti? 

, parlaci del tuo progetto.

What's next for you?

Embarking on this path of growth will allow you to have a team of experts by your side who will help you overcome critical issues and harness the full potential of your business.

How does the process work?


Request a free consultation.


Book an appointment.


Tell us about your project and let's consider whether we can be the right partners for your brand.


Let's get started!

We look forward to hearing about your project!

What are the steps and the activities included in this service?

1 Initial Setup

Market Analysis

  • Brand Analysis
  • Catalog Analysis
  • Competitors Analysis
  • Buyer Personas
  • Keywords Research

Funnel & C.R.O. Analysis

  • Conversion Audit Funnel
  • C.R.O. Action Plan

Media Planning

  • Paid Channels Results Analysis
  • Channels identification
  • Budget per Channel allocation
  • Target & KPIs definition
  • Copywriting spaces

ADS Account Setup

  • Ads Account Setup
  • Ads Account Conversions Setup
  • Feed & Product Catalog Setup
  • Advertising Campaigns setup
  • Copywriting Ads

2 ADS Managment & Data (monthly management)

Monthly Advertising Budget ≤ 2.5K €

Monthly Advertising Budget > 2.5K €

3 Ads Creatives Post Production (monthly management)




Discover the other services we can provide, or contact us to customize your growth pack!

Our approach



We generate traffic.
  • Paid Media
  • Creatives
  • Inbound Content



We optimize and create hype about the offer.
  • C.R.O Funnel
    • UX
    • Sales Copy
  • Marketing Automation
  • Email Marketing
  • Systems Integrations



We give concrete and measurable results.
  • Data Analysis
  • Tracking & Measurement
Some numbers of our clients

You are in good company

Alessio Perrucci
Alessio Perrucci
of Handy Fai da Te
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We have been working with Webgas for about a year. They manage all the advertising and performance marketing activities. We are very happy with the results obtained and recommend everyone to work with their agency.
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We have been working with the WebGas for quite some time now.
They are really good, very passionate and we get along very well. We now call them "Mistakers "because they are attentive to our needs and follow very much what is our aesthetic and philosophy.
Therefore: Recommended!
Bianca Bernini
Bianca Bernini
Project & Marketing
Manager of CafféLab
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The Webgas agency follows all of our marketing and advertising campaigns, and thanks to their cooperation we were able to improve results, optimize all campaigns within just six months. For this very reason, I am very satisfied with our cooperation and recommend Webgas to everyone.
Giulia Mucci
Giulia Mucci
Administration & Graphics at Stefi Lighting
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Since we started working with them, we have the possibility, month by month, to analyze the performance of our site and balance the right budget to be allocated on the various communication channels. We are very satisfied with this collaboration and intend to continue this new friendship that has been created. I recommend working with them because they are very professional and will certainly be able to meet your needs depending on your needs.
Nicolò Cipriani
Nicolò Cipriani
Rifò Lab
Read More
Webgas has helped us a lot in our online growth, sponsorships and, above all, they help us almost every week in following our performance and advising us on how to improve. So I highly recommend this agency!
Maria Flora Patruno
Maria Flora Patruno
Read More
Excellent quality of service and expertise are the first things I look at and I was really happy with the results! Recommended!

Official Partners

Being a Facebook Business Partner and Google Partner is a guarantee of quality and great experience!

Are you ready to partner with us and take your Online Business to another level?

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Don’t miss this opportunity!

Rule the market on the hottest days

Become a master of conversions and watch your profits reach for the sky with our comprehensive Black Friday & Blue Monday Checklist.

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Don’t miss this opportunity!

Rule the market on the hottest days

Become a master of conversions and watch your profits reach for the sky with our comprehensive Black Friday & Blue Monday Checklist.

Black Friday | Exit intent popup form | ENG

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