Rifò Lab – Fashion

Background & Goals

Our Client is a brand that has been operating in the Fashion industry for 5 years offering sustainable products that take advantage of the circular economy.

Considering the business’ growth, the client’s goal is to increase revenue and ROAS from Paid channels.

Strategy and Actions

In the first strategic session with the client, we suggested a strategic action plan that included initial setup of campaigns and tracking systems, periodic optimization and constant update.

We carried out the follwing key activities:

  • Definition ofConversion Funnel.
  • Setup Campaigns and Tracking.
  • Static and Dynamic Facebook Ads and Google Ads Campaigns, with main focus on Google through Shopping campaigns segmented and of Brand Protection.
  • Feed Optimization on Merchant Center.
  • Reporting via Dashborard Data Studio.


Results achieved in the period
April 2021 - April 2022 can be summerized in the following points:


YoY Google ROAS
Return on investment of +673%


ROAS Facebook YoY
+328% Budget invested in Google Advertising


Ad Spend Facebook YoY
+80% budget spent on Facebook YoY


Ad Spend Google YoY
+328% budget spent on Google YoY

Customer's Review

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