Background & Goals
The Client is a Startup operating in the Italian Food sector.
Being a new Startup, the client had never invested large budgets in Media Buying activities.
The objectives to be achieved in the first period of collaboration were defined together and can be summarized in:
- Increase and Grow the CRM of qualified Leads interested in the customer’s final offer;
- CPL (Cost per Lead) Content.

Strategy and Actions
Initially, WebGas proposed an action plan including initial setup activities and ongoing optimization actions.
Some of the key activities identified were:
- Definition of Buyer Personas;
- Full Funnel Lead Generation Strategy;
- E-Mail Marketing Strategy;
- Implementation of Marketing Automation Activities;
- Data Measurement and Analysis Strategy;
- Consultancy Creativity to be realized;
- Interactive and Integrative Dashboard.
Already in the first testing period, excellent results were achieved in terms of qualified Leads and CPL.
In fact, already from the second month of collaboration, some campaigns targeted on audiences for better performing interests and lookalike have been scaled.
The results achieved in the collaboration period: August 2020 - December 2020 can be summarized in the following KPIs:
New Leads
+3.212% Leads
Cost per Lead = 2.03€