Background & Goals
The client is a brand that works in the Fashion industry since 2020.
Considering the business’ growth, the client’s goal was to increase revenue and return on ad spend (ROAS) from Paid channels.

Strategy and Actions
WebGas has proposed to the client an action plan that includes continuous optimization activities and actions for the tracking and campaign improvement.
Some of the key activities identified are:
- Strategies ofcontinuous measurement and analysis of the data aligned with the increase of the ads budget spending
- Campaign search + shopping sgmentation e sculpting
- Reduction and stabilizationof Google CPA
- Google and Facebook Ads Budget scaling
- Consulenceon the development of performing creativities on Facebook and Google Display channels
- Interactive Dashboard for the integrative data visualization
- Conversion Rate strategy and optimization
The results reached in the February 2022 - February 2023 period are:
Revenue YoY
+330,6% e-commerce revenue compared to the previous year
Facebook Ads CPA
-66% CPA
Facebook Ads ROAS
+214% conversions through Facebook Ads.
YoY Google ROAS
+340% conversions through Google Ads.
E-commerce Conversion Rate
+83% average convrersion rate of the e-commerce.