
Climaconvenienza is an established Italian company in the field of heating solutions for domestic and commercial environments. Specializing in wall boilers and heating systems, it is committed to providing high-quality products and services through user-friendly e-commerce that makes the shopping experience simple, fast, and convenient.


The challenge

In the renovation process, Climaconvenienza faced the challenge of migrating pre-existing content to a new e-commerce platform, Shopify Plus, along with readjusting its design to an updated and modern version.

The migration of data from the old databases to the new platform was a major challenge, requiring careful coordination and the use of external services to ensure an error-free transition.

Design-wise, we leveraged Shopify’s native tools and integrated third-party apps to customize the interface and improve interactions. This approach allowed us to achieve a clean layout, intuitive controls, and clear information, thus fulfilling the goal of providing a flawless online shopping experience for the company’s customers.

Graphics & Design

Climaconvenienza, with its new e-commerce platform, features an intuitive design and smooth navigation, ensuring a clear and straightforward shopping experience. The clean interface highlights text and images, making them easily accessible to users. Crucial information for buyers is highlighted in bright colors and proportionate font sizes, ensuring maximum visibility.

In addition to the visual aspect, our efforts also extend to improving the overall user experience. We have implemented special features within the platform to offer personalized purchase suggestions, tailored navigation paths based on individual preferences, and an up-to-date rating and review system, thus providing an immediate and reliable social proof for each product.

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