Google Ads Agency

Design, management and optimization of Google PPC campaigns with the goal of increasing your online visibility and revenue.

What does it mean in concrete terms to be a Google Partner?

Google Certified Skills

Skills and competencies recognized by the Google Team.

Google product training

Proven expertise on Google products and obtaining consumer information reports.

Experienced and certified PPC team

Team composed of at least 50% Google Ads certified Account Strategists.

Advertising expenditure

Minimum advertising spend of $10,000 over 90 days per account managed

Advertising expenditure

Minimum advertising expenditure of $10,000 over 90 days per managed account.

Guaranteed minimum performances

Campaigns that achieve and maintain a minimum performance threshold.


Right to technical assistance from the Google team for account management.

The results of those who entrusted their Google Ads campaigns to us

Average increase in annual turnover of our clients.
+ 0 %
Average increase in annual turnover of our clients.
0 Mln

By relying on a Google Partner, you will allow your business to steadily grow.

Book a Free Call!

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Google Ads for E-commerce

Promoting your E-Commerce on Google Ads will increase the visibility of your online store, generating more interest and, consequently, more sales.

Google Ads for Lead Generation

Doing Lead Generation with Google Ads will enable you to get leads from prospects who are on target and more likely to become customers.

Frequently asked questions

Not just Google Partners

Our team specializes in designing high-profit Facebook (Meta) campaigns.

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Digital Readiness

Utilizza questo strumento semplice e veloce, sviluppato dal nostro team, per verificare in pochi click le performance delle tue strategie di e-commerce e lead generation.

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Verrai ricontattato entro 48 ore lavorative dal nostro team. 


Are you ready to partner with us and take your Online Business to another level?