Administrative-Accounting Manager

Media Tech company based in Naples seeks a person to join its staff with Administration, Accounting and Management Control duties.

Main duties:
– Internal ordinary accounting
– Relationship management with external consultants ( Tax, Labor, Legal, Global Investment and Innovation Incentives)
– Administrative relationship management with customers, suppliers, partners, and banks.
– Management control, job orders, budgets
– administrative management of tenders and announcements
– Quality Systems Management
– Participation in Tenders, Calls for Proposals & Funding
– Reports, Analysis & Forecasts

Main Requirements:
– Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Economics, Accounting or Finance or demonstrated equivalent experience to be indicated in detailed cover letter.
– Previous experience in the field of at least 3 years or accompany the application with a detailed cover letter.
– Excellent organizational skills, accuracy and effectiveness in managing priorities, ability to work independently, dynamic, interpersonal skills.
– Excellent knowledge of Office package and familiarity with computer applications.
– Mastery of excel and google spreadsheet
– knowledge of English at least b2 level

Aware of the extreme diversity of profiles and management models in the area we will evaluate each candidacy individually with the possibility of placement also part-time 20 hours or full-time 40 hours per week, salary and contractual framework according to the candidate’s profile and possibility of smart working.

This announcement is addressed to both sexes, in accordance with Laws 903/77 and 125/91, and to people of all ages and nationalities, in accordance with Legislative Decrees 215/03 and 216/03.”

Employment Contract: Full-time, Part-time


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