Pay per Click – Skincare Sector

The Context

The Customer in question is an Italian skincare and cosmetic brand.

The brand is a precious line of eco-friendly dermocosmetic products

The Problem

Before contacting WebGas, the client had invested only a small part in paid advertising activities. 

The results generated had not fully satisfied the customer. 

In particular, the Google Ads account offered only 1 brand campaign with a very basic structure, composed exclusively of keywords in broad correspondence with an unsatisfactory quality score.

The account therefore did not have a well-defined structure and in the same way the only campaign present within it was not well placed within a specific strategy.

The Solution

After having carefully studied the Buyer Personas, the keywords and the most interesting types of copy for the brand, WebGas has created a document illustrating the strategy created specifically for the customer, a series of campaigns divided into 4 phases of the Customer Journey.

In the high phase of the funnel WebGas proposed a series of creatives focused exclusively on the cosmetics brand, aimed at educating users about the made in Italy brand. In fact, these were decisive for the familiarization of different audiences (cold and extended) who had never interacted with the brand in question. 

Together with the use of copy and images aimed at educating users to the awareness of the high quality of dermocosmetic products, the creativity proposed in the high phase had the specific objective of starting to build a solid and authoritative Brand Awareness.

In the second phase of the funnel, on the other hand, WebGas began to expose users who had interacted satisfactorily to the creations proposed in the first phase of the funnel, to the brand’s products.

In this campaign, the creatives mostly composed of carousels and product images had the express purpose of showing users how to use the different products in order to build their own beauty routine.

Even in this phase, the copies were designed to educate users on the correct use of the products.

In the third phase of the funnel, campaigns were designed to convert the users of the previous phases into actual customers. 

In this phase, all users who have carried out certain valuable actions in the previous phase have been targeted, without however finalizing the final purchase.

Between these:

  • View Products
  • Add to Cart
  • Added payment
  • information
  • Checkout view

In the last phase of the funnel, a campaign was devised aimed at maximizing the Customer Lifetime Value of users who made purchases in the previous phase. Users were exposed to creativity focused on complementary and higher-end products aimed at expanding their beauty routine.


Google Ads

As shown in the image below on the customer’s Google Ads account, for an investment of € 3388, 408 conversions (Transactions) were recorded, with a conversion rate of 2.23%. The conversion value of € 20,625.9 and a ROAS of 609%.

Facebook Ads

On Facebook Ads, the investment of € 2521.7 generated 194 purchases at a cost per purchase of only € 12.9. The conversion value of € 7041.6 with a ROAS of 279%

+ 2.23%

Google Ads Conversion Rate
Conversion Rate on Google Ads +2.23%

+ 20.625,9

Google Ads Conversion Value
Google Ads Conversion Value + 20,625,9

+ 609%

Google Ads ROAS
+609% Return on Advertising Spend on Google Ads

€ 12,9

Facebook Cost per Purchase
Facebook Cost per Purchase €12.9

+ 7.041,6

Facebook Ads Conversion Value
Facebook Ads Conversion Value + 7.041,6


Facebook ADS ROAS

+ 279%

+ 279% Return on Advertising Spend on Facebook
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