Miglior Finanziamento

Miglior Finanziamento offers financial solutions focused on the management of practices related to the assignment of one-fifth of salary and pension and is aimed at public employees, private employees and pensioners. The company offers free customized quotes, guaranteeing fast and safe no-obligation service.

Project Goals

The development of a Brand Identity for this client required a careful study of the target industry, with the goal of translating the company’s values into graphic and textual content that would be able to convey both seriousness and reliability.

From the logo to the landing page, through the color palette and tone of voice, we are committed to ensuring that in every context we communicate with the potential customer without friction or ambiguity.

Creativity & Strategy

For Miglior Finanziamento logo, we translated the Brand name into an elegant and easily recognizable graphic solution on any digital or print media, using the outline of a stylized crown as a distinctive content element and symbol of authority, elegance and reliability.

On the tone of voice side, the texts associated with the Brand were geared toward practical and reassuring informational solutions, without falling into exaggeration or unrealistic promises. Thus, the professional and serious language is designed to establish a trusting relationship with readers and guide them to the financial solution best suited to their needs.

Both of the elements discussed found their way into the Landing Page created for the client, in which the focus on clarity of information and an interface capable of guiding the reader to the contact form represent the fullest expression of the goals we had set for ourselves in completing this project.

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