
Mokaflor is a roasting company with more than 70 years of history, committed to offering its customers different types of coffee that have in common the highest quality of raw materials drawn from the best roasting and blending methods.

Project Goals

The client’s request included the creation of a Landing Page with the goal of inviting coffee retailers to purchase particular blends produced and distributed by Mokaflor.

Since we were not dealing with simple coffee but with raw material sourced from exotic countries and subjected to special treatments that could enhance its flavor and make the final beverage very different from what the masses are used to, we took up the challenge convinced that magnifying the drinking experience and focusing on our client’s management and production skills were key to the success of this project.

Creativity & Strategy

We oriented the design of the Mokaflor Landing Page toward a clean and refined taste, where the elegance of black and white mixes with the warmth given off by the images of coffee beans and cups to generate the impression of an exclusive yet warm and welcoming environment.

The contact form placed in the hero section pushes toward converting the user, who can further elaborate on the goodness of the offer and the social proof of the brand during the remaining navigation path, studded with clear and perfectly readable information.

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